Sunday, October 25, 2009

The broken toe

So this is what happens when you dance Barefoot. From now on when I rehearse for anything...I'm putting on shoes first. I was just putting a few last finishing touches on the routine and somehow stubbed my toe. Well, stubbed,'s all about the same right? Just wanted to show you what it looked like when we performed our snowman skit. And we totally rocked.

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About Me

I'm a mom of 4 great kids that make me smile and appreciate life every day. I am married to the best husband ever. He always puts me first and the kids next. We are the luckiest family ever. I love playing the piano, drawing and painting, redecorating our house, and most of all spending time with our family. However lately I just can't get enough of spending time outside in our yard planting and weeding...I'm adding trees and perennials this year. Cuddling up with books or spending time outside are a few of our favorite past-times.


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