So after having chickens and caring for them and gathering eggs every day, and deciding to see how well we can really live off our food storage without going to the store for little things just to make life easier, I've discovered something about myself. I would be completely content to be a farm wife taking care of animals and gardening and making everything from scratch. My happiest days are the days that I spend time at home, in the yard, cleaning the coop, caring for animals, starting dinner in the morning or afternoon and cooking and baking and cleaning house, and doing homework with kids. The last few days, for example, we decided to have vegi-pizza and greek chicken gyros...normally I'd run to the store and get a few cans of crescent roll dough for the pizza crust and some pita bread for the gyros. Instead I made crescent roll dough from scratch and the sauce and pita bread for the gyros from scratch was so much fun, however a large portion of my day was spent in the kitchen...but I loved it. I've even started making most of my own pasta for chicken noodle soup and things like that....Maybe I was just born in the a few generations too late :) Well, enough said...I wanted to post some pictures of our recent eggs...we get about 6-8 eggs a day now...occassionally only 5 we only have 7 chickens and Olivia is still in the house at night and early in the one of the chickens lays 2 eggs a day every once in a while.
This is Millie's double yolker...she's laid 2 of those and they were one day after it next to a regular egg from one of the other chickens. The egg in the shell was bigger than a large egg from the store. |
This was our first 7 egg day...I was so excited. |
The egg on the left was Olivia's "big egg" the middle egg is Millie's double yolker and the white egg is a large store egg. |
Yes, I'll admit I'm the crazy chicken or egg's like a crazy cat lady only I don't have tons of chickens and at least the chickens give us eggs...cats don't...but I just think the eggs are so beautiful and they are amazingly tasty and such higher quality that the eggs we get at the store...hope you enjoyed my obsession. |