Saturday, May 23, 2009

Asher and the flowers

I looked out the front door this afternoon and what did I see...a cute little boy looking at me!

I love the Iris's but I think I love Asher in the Iris's even more

Isn't he cute...even when he's mischeivious

Man that sucker must be good. Asher went to help Brandon cut down trees and he drug lots of limbs and earned a sucker from daddy.

1 comment:

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I found your blog from Sarah's. You look great, and your family is so cute. Hope all is well. It's been so long since we were in Lovell 1st ward together;) I remember all the cute little Paxton girls sitting on the row in front of us at church. Wow, how time flys by.


About Me

I'm a mom of 4 great kids that make me smile and appreciate life every day. I am married to the best husband ever. He always puts me first and the kids next. We are the luckiest family ever. I love playing the piano, drawing and painting, redecorating our house, and most of all spending time with our family. However lately I just can't get enough of spending time outside in our yard planting and weeding...I'm adding trees and perennials this year. Cuddling up with books or spending time outside are a few of our favorite past-times.


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