Monday, February 28, 2011


I was asked to help with Asher's class Valentine we made cupcakes for a cake walk. It was fun.

This was the one Asher decorated...I did the frosting and he sprinkled the colored sugar on them all.

We decided to do a fun family Valentine we ate heart-shaped pizza for dinner with sparkling beverage by candlelight...all the kids thought it was so fun...then we had leftover cupcakes for dessert.  Then topped it off with a family home evening lesson on Love.  It was a fun night.

1 comment:

Richard and Emily said...

Good idea. Looks like you all had fun - great job on the cupcakes.


About Me

I'm a mom of 4 great kids that make me smile and appreciate life every day. I am married to the best husband ever. He always puts me first and the kids next. We are the luckiest family ever. I love playing the piano, drawing and painting, redecorating our house, and most of all spending time with our family. However lately I just can't get enough of spending time outside in our yard planting and weeding...I'm adding trees and perennials this year. Cuddling up with books or spending time outside are a few of our favorite past-times.


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