Our Dear Little (A)
So last night Brandon and I went upstairs after I'd been blogging for awhile, and I heard Brandon say, "You are going to be in big trouble when your mom sees this." I went upstairs to see what lay in store for me. At the top of the stairs was a yogurt that (A) had helped himself to, opened and dropped on the floor and left. So I asked him, "(A) did you do this?" "Nooooo...... Chena...was his reply. Then I said, "Chena is outside, it wasn't her." Then he said, "Chena Bark." Apparently Chena barked and he dropped the yogurt, left it and came downstairs with us. Since when do 2 yr. olds blame stuff on animals...when did they get so smart? So I got a paper towel for him to clean it up...he said "Raggy, me do it." So he put the towel on the yogurt and stepped on it...Needless to say, I helped him finish up the clean up...He is just so cute...how can you get mad at that? I don't know how many times his cuteness has saved him.