Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Hannah's been up to

Emma loves her new skirt...it's an original by Hannah

You can't really see it...but she even sewed on belt loops because she was unsure of the size...what a smart cookie my girl is.

Hannah just picked up a needle and thread a bit ago and started making clothes for a tiny baby doll...then when we were at Walmart on Labor Day after of course losing every needle we had in the house...she brought money with he and bought her own set of needles and thread and a threader...And while I was at gymnastics with Emma I got a call from her asking how to use the threader...so I explained it over the phone and as she was trying it I hear "Oh cool, that's really handy...and she giggled her cute giggle.  When I came home this is what she had created for Emma...she was going to wait and give it to her for her birthday in 6 months...but I said it might not fit her then and it might be better to give it to her now...she did this without even trying it on Emma...just eyeballing. it...I'm really proud of her gifts and talents...she is now a seamstress, guitar player, singer, and artist...not to mention great helper and babysitter for when I really need her.Way to go Hannah!!!

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About Me

I'm a mom of 4 great kids that make me smile and appreciate life every day. I am married to the best husband ever. He always puts me first and the kids next. We are the luckiest family ever. I love playing the piano, drawing and painting, redecorating our house, and most of all spending time with our family. However lately I just can't get enough of spending time outside in our yard planting and weeding...I'm adding trees and perennials this year. Cuddling up with books or spending time outside are a few of our favorite past-times.


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